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Chip Your Pet Month

May 1, 2023

May is Chip Your Pet Month! If your furry buddy hasn’t been chipped yet, we strongly recommend that you see to this as soon as possible. That little chip may only be about the size of a grain of rice, but it’s a huge safety net for your beloved pet! A local Springville, UT vet discusses microchipping in this article. 


Microchips use a low-tech insert called RF (radio frequency) signals to transmit data. They do not contain your pet’s medical records or your contact information. Each chip contains only one piece of information: a unique ID number, which is associated with your account in the chipmaker’s database. Veterinarians and animal shelter staff can read that number using a special scanner and, from there, get your contact information.


As far as the process goes, microchip implants are quick and easy. This is often done alongside spay/neuter surgery, but can also be scheduled by itself. The chip is inserted beneath your pet’s skin, using a hypodermic needle. That’s it! Your furry pal won’t need any special aftercare, aside from maybe a nap and a yummy treat. 


Chipping your pet is only the first step: you’ll still need to fill out the information fields in the chipmaker’s database. Though chips greatly increase Fido and Fluffy’s chances of coming home if they get lost, the chip won’t work if the data is incorrect. Anytime you move or change contact information, you’ll need to update that information. (Tip: try using the Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool here to check.)


Pet microchips do not require maintenance. (Unfortunately, they don’t come with updates or patches that will keep Fido from chewing your shoes or stop Fluffy from scratching your sofa.) However, it is a good idea to have your veterinarian check it during your furry friend’s check-ups, just to make sure it’s still functioning properly and hasn’t slipped out of place.

Evolving Technology

It will be interesting to see where microchips go in the future. Certain pet products, such as pet doors or bowls, can be work with microchips. Although it would be great if they could be integrated with GPS technology, that’s iffy, as GPS requires a power source. However, you can get Fluffy or Fido a GPS tag. 

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Springville, UT animal clinic, today! 

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