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Signs Your Kitten Is Sick

August 15, 2023

Have you recently adopted a kitten? There are few things cuter than baby cats. However, while our feline friends usually grow up to be fairly hardy, kittens are very vulnerable to illness and infection when they’re young. Because baby cats are so tiny and fragile, they can get very sick very fast. It’s important for you to keep a very close eye on little Fluffy, and watch for any indications that something is amiss. Here, a Springville, UT vet lists some signs that your little furball is ill.


Kittens run hotter than we do. It isn’t necessarily an issue if you notice that little Fluffy seems warm, as long as she’s bright-eyed, perky, and bushy tailed. However, if your pet has warm ears, a glazed look in the eyes, a dry nose, and/or is acting lethargic, there may be something more serious going on.


Little Fluffy is quite sleepy, and with good reason: feline growth hormones are released during sleep cycles. Your tiny pet’s body needs lots of rest during that critical (and adorable) growth spurt! However, your kitten should be frisky and playful when she’s awake, and she shouldn’t sleep all the time. A lack of interest in toys and exploration can also be a sign of lethargy.

Respiratory Issues

Respiratory issues are extremely dangerous in young cats. Some signs of respiratory problems in kittens include coughing, wheezing, anorexia, rapid breathing, and discolored gums. Little Fluffy also may not feel very playful.

Eye Infections

Baby cats usually open their eyes at around two weeks old. Little Fluffy shouldn’t be adopted until she’s about two months old. By then, her eyes should be clear and bright. Some of the warning signs to look for would include nasal discharge, pus or discharge, crustiness, tearing, swelling, redness, and continuous blinking. You also shouldn’t see your furry pal’s third eyelid, though you may glimpse it briefly as she opens or closes her eyes.


Kittens are very susceptible to poisoning. This is in part because of their curiosity and in part because they are so tiny and fragile that even tiny amounts of toxins can be extremely dangerous for them. Some signs of poison ingestion in kittens include lethargy, stumbling, drooling, vomiting and diarrhea, and drooling.

Please contact us for your kitten’s veterinary care needs. As your Springville, UT pet hospital, we’re here to help!

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