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Signs That Your Kitty Is Sick

August 1, 2024

Kitties are undoubtedly intriguing creatures. We’ve known Fluffy for quite a long time, possibly up to 12,000 years. While we’ve learned a lot about our feline companions, there are still some things we don’t understand about them, such as why they make clicking noises when they see birds, why they are preoccupied with boxes, and why they are always so sleepy. One thing that we do know is that these adorable little balls of fur can be pretty discreet when it comes to revealing that they are ill. Some of the warning signs can be a bit hard to identify. A local Springville, UT veterinarian responds to some typical inquiries about this below.

What Do Cats Do When They Are Sick?

Each of our feline companions is unique in some way. Pay attention to any behavior that appears to be out of character for your cat. For example, it could be completely typical for a shy feline to hide a lot. If a dog is brought over or a kitchen pan is dropped, Fluffy may flee to her usual hiding hole. However, if your feline companion is generally pleasant and gregarious but suddenly becomes withdrawn and won’t come out from under the bed, there may be a problem. Other examples may include a noisy cat who abruptly ceases meowing, a quiet kitty who is suddenly meowing constantly, a distant cat demanding attention, or an affectionate kitty suddenly not wanting to be touched.

The more you know Fluffy, the easier it will be to notice these changes. Pay close attention to your cute pet!

What Are Common Illnesses For Kitties?

Kitties are often pretty hardy, but they are not as invincible as they think. Fluffy is actually quite vulnerable and prone to a variety of illnesses and diseases.

Here are some of the typical ones:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • kidney disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Tapeworms
  • Fleas
  • Obesity
  • Ringworm
  • Oral disease
  • Vision Issues
  • Feline peritonitis
  • Feline leukopenia
  • Heartworm
  • Abscesses
  • Internal parasites
  • Lymphoma
  • Pancreatitis
  • Digestive problems

Keeping up with your cat’s preventative and wellness care will help protect her from many of these issues. Some problems are not always avoidable, but can be managed with treatment. When it comes to pet care, the sooner a problem is discovered and addressed, the better.

What Are Some Sickness Signs in Cats?

It’s important to know what is and isn’t normal behavior for cats. It may be perfectly normal for Fluffy to eat your wallpaper or steal your pizza, but we’re talking about general kitty behaviors, not quirks. 

Without further ado, here are some of the most typical signs to look for:

Bad Breath

Fluffy’s breath will probably never smell minty-fresh, but it should not be gag-inducing, either. This might be an indicator of dental difficulties and internal concerns.

Troubles With The Litterbox

Cleaning your cat’s litterbox will never be the funnest part of owning a cat, but it is necessary. Examine what you find in Fluffy’s powder room. Changes in the color, texture, odor, or quantity of your kitty’s waste can all indicate health problems. If you notice your feline buddy straining to go, call your veterinarian immediately: this could indicate a blockage, which is extremely dangerous.

Weight Changes

Because our feline companions are so little, even a pound or two increase or loss can indicate serious health problems. Keep track of your pet’s weight!


Fluffy throwing up on occasion is typically not a big deal. Many of our feline friends experience hairballs on occasion. However, vomiting regularly is cause for alarm. Dry heaving, bloody or foamy vomit, and any other atypical vomiting are also problematic.

Appetite Loss

Our feline pals can be picky, but if Fluffy just does not like what you put in her bowl, she should meow to voice her disapproval and demand something new right meow. A complete lack of enthusiasm for food is a sign of trouble.

Appetite Boost

A sudden rise in hunger can also be concerning. Fluffy is usually very excited about eating, but if your feline buddy suddenly appears to be a bottomless pit, there could be a problem, such as hyperthyroidism.


Diarrhea is troubling in almost all of our animal friends, regardless of age. This can indicate a multitude of disorders, including parasites, inflammation, and others. Dehydration might also occur quickly. Constipation is also a worry, but it may be more difficult to detect, particularly if your pet’s litterbox is in a private place.


While some cats appear to choose lethargy as a life goal, even the most sleepy kitty should be alert and awake at least a few times every day. If Fluffy appears to be lacking energy, something may be amiss.

Enhanced Thirst

Excessive thirst can be a sign of a variety of conditions, including diabetes and renal failure. It is critical to keep Fluffy supplied with fresh water at all times. Just keep track of how much she drinks. Filling her bowls at consistent times each day can help.

Respiratory Concerns

Gasping, coughing, wheezing, fast breathing, shortness of breath, and harsh breathing all indicate a problem. These may necessitate emergency attention, particularly if the problem arises suddenly.


The occasional eye ‘booger’ is normally not cause for alarm, but profuse, goopy, or discolored discharge from the eyes is a different matter. A runny nose in cats is also unusual and may indicate respiratory problems. Discharge from the ears should also be taken seriously.

Problems With The Skin Or Coat

It is fairly uncommon for senior cats to seem disheveled. Seniors typically struggle to groom themselves because they get so stiff and sore, and have trouble bending and stretching. Most kittens, however, do a decent job of keeping up. Call your veterinarian immediately if your cat’s fur appears dull or unkempt, or if you notice redness, flaking, sores, or bald spots.

Vocalization/Behavior Changes

One of the best things about cats is their chattiness. Keep an eye (or ear) open for changes in your pet’s typical vocalizations. Fluffy may be attempting to indicate pain if she is generally silent but suddenly starts meowing. A feline who is typically highly talkative but suddenly appears withdrawn and silent may be unwell.

Of course, obvious signs of injury should also warrant an immediate trip to the clinic or ER. Problems like limping, fever, sores, lesions, and swelling are just a few examples of problems that should be handled right away.

If you observe any of these warning symptoms, or if you suspect that your pet isn’t feeling well, please contact us, your Springville, UT pet hospital, right away!

Why Do Cats Mask Symptoms of Illness?

As you may be aware, our feline companions can be secretive when it comes to letting on that they don’t feel well. They often attempt to conceal indications of illness. This is actually a pretty deep-rooted survival instinct. Predators are always on the lookout for creatures that appear weak or unwell in the wild because they make easy prey. Fluffy realized a long time ago that showing indications of illness can draw unwanted attention from predators.

Visit Our Springville, UT Pet Clinic

Do you have concerns regarding your cat’s health or care? Contact your Springville, UT pet hospital at any time. We are committed to providing outstanding care.

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