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Celebrate the Yorkie Terrier

November 15, 2024

Have you ever befriended a Yorkie? This cute, happy dog is usually named among the top ten most popular pets. Last summer, Fido was ranked sixth. There are various reasons why these little dogs have become beloved pets. A local Mapleton, UT veterinarian talks about this cute dog below.

History of the Yorkshire Terrier

Fido’s beginnings date back to the mid-1800s. The breed was named after the northern English county of Yorkshire. According to folklore, the Yorkie was developed by Scottish weavers who brought a variety of terriers with them when they relocated to England. The new puppies were not only adorable, but they were also determined little hunters who could chase rodents through small spaces. Fido’s first job was as a pest controller for textile mills and coal mines. However, he rapidly charmed people, and became an adorable and faithful friend and lap dog. Yorkies were favored among stylish ladies of the day, who frequently adorned the pups with ribbons.

What Do Yorkies Look Like?

Fido is quite small; Yorkies usually weigh less than seven pounds and stand under nine inches. The Yorkie’s most distinctive feature has to be its silky, lustrous coat, which resembles human hair rather than traditional fur.

Do Yorkie Terriers Require a Lot of Grooming?

That gorgeous fur does take some upkeep. You will need to brush Fido every day. You’ll also need to keep your dog’s fur from getting in his eyes. Your pet will also need to be bathed frequently. On a positive note, these guys do not shed much. 

Ask your veterinarian for more information.

Do Yorkshire Terriers Require A Lot Of Activity?

All of our canine pals require some form of activity. Yorkies do, too! However, Fido may receive enough exercise by running around on his short legs. A few daily walks, mixed with some enjoyable playtime, should be enough.

In addition to physical activity, Yorkies require mental stimulation. Your cute pet might also benefit from obedience training. Choose toys and activities that are safe and appropriate for your small dog. Ask your Mapleton, UT veterinarian for specific advice.

What Is The Yorkie’s Personality?

Yorkies are intelligent and loyal, and they enjoy making their owners happy. However, some training is necessary in this circumstance. You must ensure that your pet is appropriately socialized. This is necessary for any dog and will help a puppy mature into a happy, healthy adult.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Mapleton, UT Animal Clinic.

Do you have a Yorkie that requires an appointment? Please call us if your cute canine requires any veterinarian care. As your Mapleton, UT pet clinic, we are committed to delivering exceptional care to dogs of all sizes.

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