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Pet Insurance

Smiling woman petting her Shiba Inu dog
Slide – BG

As a responsible adult, you’ve probably already invested in insurance in a number of areas of your life. For instance, you probably have car insurance and homeowner’s insurance to cover the costs of any unexpected events or repairs needed down the road. It’s also very likely that you’ve invested in health insurance to help with the costs associated with medical care for yourself or your family. 

What about your animal family members? Have you taken any measures to ensure that these precious critters are well taken care of, regardless of cost?

Pet insurance is an excellent tool to help defray some of the expenses associated with veterinary care. Similar to other types of coverage you may already have, pet insurance involves purchasing a policy, paying the required premium and then filing a claim when needed. 

Of the many advantages to having pet insurance, perhaps the most important one of all is the peace of mind it provides. With the right coverage, you can ensure that your companion will receive whatever care he or she needs without worrying about how much it will cost. 

There are a number of providers who offer quality pet insurance products. Here are a few we recommend:

While the basic concept is generally the same across the board, the policy and coverage options may vary. For example, some policies will even pay out when a pet passes away or becomes lost or stolen. We encourage you to compare your options to find the right fit for you. 

Some of the factors to consider when evaluating insurance coverage include:

  • Whether congenital and hereditary conditions are covered (e.g. hip dysplasia, heart defects, eye cataracts, diabetes)
  • How the reimbursement is calculated (based on the actual vet bill, a benefit schedule, or usual and customary rates)
  • Whether the deductible is charged on a per-incident or an annual basis
  • Whether there are any limits or caps applied (i.e. per incident, per year, by age or over the pet’s lifetime)
  • Whether anything diagnosed in the previous year of coverage is considered pre-existing the following year

Have questions or need help choosing the right pet insurance provider and/or policy? The seasoned team at Family Pet Hospital is happy to assist! Simply give us a call or bring it up at your pet’s next vet visit.