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Caring For An Arthritic Dog

February 23, 2023

Did you know that as many as 80 percent of dogs over the age of eight develop arthritis? While this is more common in older pooches, Fido can develop arthritis at any point in his life. In fact, about 20 percent of pups over the age of one are afflicted. Arthritis cannot be cured, but there are ways to manage it. A Springville, UT vet discusses caring for a pooch with arthritis in this article.


Make sure your furry friend has a good doggy bed. A thin pad won’t offer much support for a stiff, sore pup, and it won’t keep Fido warm on chilly nights. Orthopedic beds are the go-to here. Of course, there’s no law that says dogs can only have one bed. Put comfy beds in the rooms your canine companion hangs out in the most.


Arthritis can definitely slow your pooch down, and can put a damper on his enthusiasm for playing and exploring trails. That’s fine, but don’t let your canine buddy become a furry couch potato. Fido will still need regular exercise. Weather permitting, swimming can be a great option … as long as your dog actually likes the water. Aside from that, daily walks are the go-to. 


A proper diet will also make a big difference. It’s important to keep your four-legged friend at a healthy weight: extra pounds will put additional strain on your pup’s already-compromised bones and joints. Supplements can also be beneficial. Ask your vet for specific advice. 

Veterinary Care

Fido may need to come in more often, so his condition can be monitored as it progresses. Your vet will also be able to offer potential treatment options, such as laser therapy or nutritional counseling. 


As your canine friend’s condition worsens, he’ll begin to have trouble with things like climbing stairs, getting in and out of cars and, if he’s allowed, jumping on and off beds. Pet ramps or stairs can help with this.

Claw Trims

Overgrown nails are very uncomfortable for dogs. Fido may adjust his gait or stance, which will strain his bones and joints. They can also make it harder for him to get good traction, which increases the risk of him slipping and falling. 

Please contact us with questions or concerns about your dog’s health or care. As your Springville, UT veterinary clinic, we’re here to help!

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