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Ways To Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

February 23, 2023

Does your dog have bad breath? Fido’s affectionate smooches may never smell minty fresh, but they shouldn’t kill your houseplants, either. Bad breath is often a sign of dental issues, which are no more fun for pets than they are for us. Keeping your furry pal’s choppers healthy is very important! A Springville, UT vet lists some ways to do that in this article.

Chew Toys

Chewing is actually very beneficial for our canine companions. It helps keep Fido’s jaw muscles strong, and also keeps his teeth clean. Choose your pup’s chew toys carefully: some products that are marketed as chews, such as rawhide toys, can actually be choking hazards. Ask your vet for more information.


Brushing helps keep our teeth clean and healthy, and it’s just as beneficial for dogs. Take your time training Fido. It’s important for your pooch to form a good association with the process. Start slow, and incorporate lots of treats and praise. Also, be sure to stick with products that were made specifically for dogs.


Fido should have his teeth examined regularly. This should start around the time his adult teeth have come in, which should happen during that crucial first year.

Dental Products

If Fido won’t let you brush his choppers, don’t worry. There are many products that can help keep your cute pet’s mouth in good shape. These include dental-formula treats and chews, dental flakes, and oral rinses. Ask your vet for recommendations. 


Hydration is crucial to your furry buddy’s health and survival, but it’s also very important for his oral health. Make sure that Fido always has fresh, clean water to drink. Many dogs prefer to drink running water, so you may want to get your pooch a fountain.


In between appointments, watch for signs of doggy dental woes. These include bad breath, ropy or bloody drool, tartar buildup, and swelling. Dental issues can also impact how your canine friend eats. Fido may dribble food, chew more slowly, favor one side of his mouth, take longer eating, or, in severe cases, stop eating altogether. Understandably, your four-legged pal may also act grumpy and/or withdrawn if his teeth hurt, and he may lose interest in play. Contact your vet if you notice any of these red flags.

Contact us, your Springville, UT animal clinic, anytime. We’re always here to help!

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