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Happy beige dog lying on a bed with a book and eyeglasses
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Your Cat’s Most Pressing Questions

You may have noticed that here at Fairview Drive Pet Hospital, we love recognizing different pet holidays and observances throughout the year. January has for the most part been focused on our canine companions, with such prestigious doggy holidays as…

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Canine Wisdom: January’s Training Essentials

Celebrate your four-legged friends this January, featuring breeds such as the elegant Standard Poodle and resilient Alaskan Malamute. Amidst breed festivities, recognize National Train Your Dog Month, Unchain a Dog Month, and Walk Your Dog Month. This blog delves into…

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FAQS About Kittyproofing Your Tree

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season! One of the delights of this time of year is admiring the festive decorations. We also love receiving seasonal cards and photos from our clients, and seeing our adorable furry patients never gets…

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Holiday Pet Safety

Happy Holidays! Over the next few weeks, many of you will be pampering your cats even more than usual, and offering them extra toys, treats, and catnip. Our feline buddies are part of the family, and they definitely deserve a…

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Senior Cat Care Tips

Did you know that kitties are technically seniors by the age of ten? Fluffy can live well into her teens—or even her twenties—with good care, so a ten-year-old kitty may still have plenty of pounces left in her. However, your…

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5 Reasons To Appreciate Your Dog Groomer

Today, November 1st, is Dog Groomer Appreciation Day! Dog groomers definitely deserve some appreciation. They may very well be the unsung heroes of the pet-care world. A Springville, UT vet lists some reasons why  in this article. Convenience First and…

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