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Happy beige dog lying on a bed with a book and eyeglasses
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Fun Facts About Cats National Cat Day

Cat lovers, make a note on your calendar for October 29th: it’s National Cat Day! Kitties have been charming the socks off us for thousands of years, and we don’t expect that this will be changing anytime soon. A local…

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Keeping Kitty Fit

October 11th is Pet Obesity Awareness Day! Obesity is quite a large problem among cats. According to recent studies, nearly 60 percent of our feline pals are obese. A Springville, UT vet lists some ways to keep your furry buddy…

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Signs Of Pain In Pets

September is Animal Pain Awareness Month. This is an important topic for pet owners. Pets can’t tell us when something is hurting them. In some cases, such as a visible wound or a limp, it’s easy to tell that something…

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Caring For An Anxious Dog

Did you know that our canine companions can suffer from anxiety, just as people can? Anxiety can affect any dog, regardless of breed, and at any point in their lives. A local Springville, UT veterinarian discusses caring for a nervous…

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Signs Your Kitten Is Sick

Have you recently adopted a kitten? There are few things cuter than baby cats. However, while our feline friends usually grow up to be fairly hardy, kittens are very vulnerable to illness and infection when they’re young. Because baby cats…

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dog with black, brown, and white fur

8 Ways To Keep Your Pet From Itching

August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month. It’s always cute seeing Fido and Fluffy close their eyes in bliss when we help them out by scratching that pesky itch for them. However, while it’s normal for pets to get the occasional…

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